Shipping Set-Up

[ 1 Select Shipping Methods ] [ 2 Step 1: ] [ 2.1 Name ] [ 2.2 Display ] [ 2.3 Internal Name ] [ 2.4 Code ] [ 2.5 Tracking URL ] [ 2.6 Shipping Category ] [ 2.7 Zones ] [ 2.8 Calculator ] [ 3 Step 2 ]

Please use the table of contents above, if you wish to navigate directly to the relevant content heading in the pages below, alternatively use the video tutorial guide below.

Select Shipping Methods

This shows you how to apply different shipping methods for your orders. All shipping costs will be applied at checkout. Please note you can add multiple shipping options including free shipping to same-day delivery. You can also create different shipping methods for standard-sized items and large-sized items. Large-sized items, such as oversized jackets for instance might require an additional cost and if you have such items, you can create additional shipping methods to accommodate large items.

Step 1:


This will be shown to customers, so if you’re offering DHL Express and it will reach the customer in 2 days, please label it “DHL Express – 2 Days”. If you’re offering free shipping and it will take 5 days, please label it “Free Shipping – up to 5 Business Days”.


Please select this as Both so the above Name will appear on both the frontend and on your dashboard, which helps when you’re fulfilling orders.

Internal Name

You can set this to be the same name as the above. This is just a prompt for you to remind yourself of the shipment method to use, e.g. Sing-Post , Fedex, UPS or DHL.


This is irrelevant for you now, so please ignore this.

Tracking URL

Please include the tracking URL for this service. For example, if the service is DHL, please input here.

Shipping Category

You can create different shipping methods and pricing for different sized items, e.g. standard versus large. If you wish to create a separate shipping price for a standardized item versus a large one, you will need to create two separate shipping methods.


Please select the applicable zones for this shipping method. These are the following nations for your destination zones :

• Singapore

• Thailand

• Australia

• China

• Hong Kong

• India

• Indonesia

• Japan

• Malaysia

• New Zealand

• Rest of Asia

• United Kingdom

• France

• Italy

• Rest of Europe

• Rest of Middle East

• Canada

• United States

• Rest of the World

If your shipping price is the same regardless of location, you can multi-select all zones under one listing, or you can price them individually.

For those Vendors who do not wish to ship abroad, must ensure they do not select the Rest of the World (ROW) feature, which can be re-added at a later time, if and when the Vendors wish to redefine their international shipping fees. Please do not add the Currency Symbol when adding the amount.


This is for you to set how you’d like your shipping cost to be calculated, which you can choose from the following options;

Flat percent: A percentage of the total cost of items for all your products in your checkout basket e.g. 5% equates to the percentage increase in shipping costs of your total shopping basket total, regardless of no of items in the basket. ( 7 items = total cost of $ 360 x 5% = shipping costs of $18 )

Flat rate: A fixed shipping price, regardless of the number of items in the order (recommended) .i.e if you charge a flat rate e.g. $5 per item and you have 3 items in your shopping basket then the user will be charged $15 for the shipping rate ($5 x 3 items = $15)

Flexible Rate per packaged item: Selecting the rate per the first item ( e.g $ 10 - See example below) and then the additional item will ensure a further charge is applied, (e.g. $5) thereby generating, the additional amount which can be attributed to a maximum number of items in the checkout basket, before an additional order will need to be made. This can be also typically used for promotional discounts.

Flat Rate per packaged item: As above yet an additional price per volume, e.g. $5 per item, with a multiple times the number of items in your basket (e.g 3 items x $5 = $15) shipping cost is charged.

Price Sack: A standard shipping amount can be charged (e.g. $10)up to a certain total amount of shopping basket amount,(e.g.$100) from which you may offer a discounted amount (e.g. $5) or altogether free shipping. This can be also typically used for promotional discounts.

Tax Category: Refers to the typical national tax rate induced for domestic deliveries when value-added tax rates are known.


Once you have completed the above fields, please click Submit to save.

Step 2

Once you have saved it, you will need to go in back into the listing to set the price for that shipping method.

Please click back into that listing and insert the price. If it’s free delivery, set the price as ‘0’ (Zero). This is the amount that will be applied at checkout on top of the RRP.



Edit 03/21 Review 09/21
© Techsembly 2021